Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our family's journey with selective mutism and sensory processing disorder. My name is Maureen and I am a mommy to two wonderful, energetic little boys. I am a corporate event planner turned children's librarian turned stay at home mommy and advocate for my oldest son who was diagnosed with selective mutism in 2013 and later sensory processing disorder in 2014. Our youngest does not have selective mutism, but started struggling with sensory issues at a young age like his brother i.e. tactile defensiveness and auditory defensiveness which he has seen an OT for.
I am a very private person and was never someone who ever wanted to have a blog. As I state in my first blog post though, I felt I had to share our story to help those parents and children going through this same difficult process with endless questions. I remember when we began this journey I would tirelessly read blogs written by parents of sm children, desperately trying to understand what was going on with my son. I have learned so much on this crazy journey that I strongly feel it has to be shared. My hope is that our family's experience with sm and spd may be able to help yours.