was great for our family this year! Thomas was very
comfortable on Christmas Eve and Christmas with family. He had no problem ripping open presents and
saying thank you to people when prompted.
Christmas night he went upstairs at his grandparents' house and parallel played with some of his
cousins. He also sat at the kids table
for the first time ever! He really is
becoming a typical kid, which is so amazing to see.
Also every year my husband's family has a huge get together with family we only see once a year. We always do a big cousin picture (about 15 kids) on a small couch. Thomas has never been willing to do this. Until this past year, when we discovered his sensory issues, I always thought it was solely an SM thing. Now that we are treating his sensory processing issues with a consistent sensory diet and OT, I have learned that all the bumping and jostling of all the kids combined with his tactile defensiveness made something like a picture extremely anxiety provoking for him. I would love to post a pic of it here, but because it involves so many people's children, you'll just have to imagine how great it was! He also got a present from two people he didn't know and gladly went up and said thank you to them in a clear voice.
Yesterday when we were at Target, he said "Mom we haven't done our scavenger hunt in a while. Can we asked someone for something?" Of course I said yes and he did great! Just scheduled our next Dr. E appointment for the beginning of February. It's been 3 months already.
Also every year my husband's family has a huge get together with family we only see once a year. We always do a big cousin picture (about 15 kids) on a small couch. Thomas has never been willing to do this. Until this past year, when we discovered his sensory issues, I always thought it was solely an SM thing. Now that we are treating his sensory processing issues with a consistent sensory diet and OT, I have learned that all the bumping and jostling of all the kids combined with his tactile defensiveness made something like a picture extremely anxiety provoking for him. I would love to post a pic of it here, but because it involves so many people's children, you'll just have to imagine how great it was! He also got a present from two people he didn't know and gladly went up and said thank you to them in a clear voice.
Yesterday when we were at Target, he said "Mom we haven't done our scavenger hunt in a while. Can we asked someone for something?" Of course I said yes and he did great! Just scheduled our next Dr. E appointment for the beginning of February. It's been 3 months already.