Thursday, March 26, 2015

Playdates this spring

Thomas has done a complete 180 from last spring.  I used to dread how playdates would go and now I don't even think twice about it.  There are many times when moms are telling me that their child wants to have a playdate with Thomas.  Last year they were asking their moms why he doesn't talk.  I can't explain how wonderful it feels.

Thomas had two playdates this week and for both of them he was SO excited.  When they got back to our house they just went off playing.  No running to mommy and no crying.  So this is what a good playdate looks like?  No wonder so many moms like having them!  Things are looking up!

Monday, March 23, 2015

He did it!!!! - gym part 5

He did it!!!!  Thomas participated in gym with all the other children!  No crying, no resistance, no holding the teacher's hand!  This is a super proud day for him and our family.  The speech therapist who has been helping him with gym sent me an email today to give me the good news and sent this priceless picture of him and his best buddy!  (He's in the blue)  Happy tears :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Playground time

Thomas is completely in his element running around with the boys on the playground after preschool.  They run in a pack as superheros defending the world against bad guys with imaginary blasters, lasers, explosions, etc.  It is amazing to see him so carefree and talking up a storm with his friends.  Another thing I found to be interesting is that recently he started being the leader during play.  Telling others to "Follow him"  or "Go this way."  We always stay on the playground as long as we can after school.  As a walking district, we are so lucky to have this opportunity and it has been so instrumental in helping Thomas.  It is a great social and confidence booster for him!  I get to chat with the other moms and it also counts as play dates. Win! Win! Win!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Getting a feel for gym part 4

Thomas was really comfortable at gym today.  The speech therapist held his hand throughout gym and he felt confident participating with her by his side.  The fact that the SP is going out of her job description to help him is absolutely amazing and is just another reason why I love his school and he is prospering so much this year.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Getting a feel for gym-part 3

So we wanted to build on Thomas's success at the preschool Olympics, but there was a little set back today. From what I was told, Thomas seemed very nervous and scared to participate today in gym, so he only stayed a few minutes.  One step forward, two steps back.  We will keep working on it!