We had a doctor's appointment for Thomas's baby brother this morning and I also decided to schedule his flu shot for the same appoitment. Not sure if this was the best idea, but luckily my mom was up to help out with all that is involved with getting 2 boys to the doctors.
Thomas likes to know "the plan" with everything, so I always tell him what we are doing for the day. I told him that he was getting a flu shot that day. This way he would be prepared for what was coming and have some time to process it. Surprises do not go over well with him. He was very fussy and difficult in the office, which is the norm, but the nurse was great and got him distracted with some crayons and paper while baby brother got his check up. When it was time for Thomas's shot, they gave us the option of the nose spray or shot. Knowing him, I knew getting that stuff in his nose might prove ten times harder for the nurse than a shot, but I knew it would hurt him less. I knew Thomas would prefer that though and since we had the option, we opted for the spray. Just as much drama insued though- hysterically screaming and crying, but we got the job done for one more year.
On the way home, I told him we could stop at Dunkin Donuts for a special treat. I told him we were going to try to place our own order, which he has never been able to do, but we are working on it. We stood back and I read him all the donut choices until he chose one- a pink frosted donut with jimmies. We went over what he would say several times, so he felt prepared. We got in line and when it was time to order I said, "Thomas which donut do you want?" and instead of the blank stare and silence, he said very quietly, "The pink donut." The man had trouble hearing him, so I said can you say it again and he did. This time the man heard him. He handed Thomas the bag with his donut. Then the cashier asked him for a high five and he gave him one! What!?!?!! What just happened!?! This may not seem like a big thing at all to some who do not understand selective mutism, but both of these things are HUGE!!! I was so proud. SWEET SUCCESS!
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