Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lego summer program

Thomas LOVES legos, so when I heard there was a Lego program being offered for an hour every Wednesday at the community center, I jumped on it.  I took him today and arrived early to let him warm up, but I could just tell this was going to be a challenging environment for him.  Nothing was set up when we got there, as kids came in, they were running around the room, pushing the chairs that were all on wheels everywhere and the instructor had a louder personality.  My 3 yr old Liam joined right in with the chaos, but Thomas gripped my hand tightly with a scared expression on his face.  Parents came and went, dropping off their children with ease.  One of his friends was in the class too, which helped a little, but not as much as I had hoped.  I ended up sitting on the floor with Thomas to help him get started with the Lego challenge of the afternoon which was "Summer"  Thomas loves to build, but the pressure of needing it to fit the theme and the fact that she mentioned them having to present it to everyone at the end of class started making him tear up.  We came up with the idea of building a beach.  Liam had already taken it upon himself to join the Lego building which was okay with the instructor and it was already 20 minutes in by then, so I stayed and helped.  I had to leave the room once to take Liam to the bathroom which set off pure panic in Thomas, but I assured him that I would be right back.  He did not present at the end and there was no pressure to which was good.  He had fun, but I am not going to stay for Lego camp each week!

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