Thomas is continuing to play his games most of the time, but
is starting to become more reluctant with them again. He is also starting to have a lot of what I
would describe as panic attacks in the past few weeks. They are definitely not just a tantrum,
because they are very different than when he does not get his way and they are
only happening when we are with other people.
They come completely out of the blue too. I can see the fear on his face and in his
voice. He aggressively pulls at us
trying desperately to have us hold him and often screams I want to go home or I
want to go inside. It is quite hard to
watch, but also very difficult to handle for my husband and I. He had one the other day at a playdate. He had a pretty good play date, but all of a sudden he went into panic mode
and started frantically screaming I want to go home. He could not calm himself down. We talked about it later, but he couldn’t
explain why he was upset. Then later that same day my aunt came over to
pick up something from me and he had another episode where he was
frantically screaming and trying to catch his breath. He was screaming that he wanted to be held
and to go in the other room. He refuses
to go in another room without me. I had
the baby at the time and I had to talk to my aunt, so as much as I tried to
comfort him, I was unable to help him.
Now that we are outside more, our neighbors often stop by to talk and these episodes are happening over and over. Thomas and I have talked about them so much and I am positive that he can’t control them. He can’t give a reason why they are happening or how I can help them. He knows how upset they make my husband and I. Even though I know he can’t help it, we get angry with him, because it is extremely embarrassing and frustrating for us. He had another one at the park, one with the neighborhood children and one when I went next door to give something to our neighbor. It is definitely affecting our quality of life.
Now that we are outside more, our neighbors often stop by to talk and these episodes are happening over and over. Thomas and I have talked about them so much and I am positive that he can’t control them. He can’t give a reason why they are happening or how I can help them. He knows how upset they make my husband and I. Even though I know he can’t help it, we get angry with him, because it is extremely embarrassing and frustrating for us. He had another one at the park, one with the neighborhood children and one when I went next door to give something to our neighbor. It is definitely affecting our quality of life.